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The Source-berg: An Exercise in Source Lineage

What are we doing?*

This assignment is developed as part of a composition course that focuses on making connections and transitions between stages and projects. This multi-part, one week project bridges the disconnect that students are unfamiliar with classifying sources into different groups and seeks to reconnect the sources by showing how they reference each other.

How are we doing it?

There are three core parts to the assignment, and they occur in the following order:

  1. In the first part, students will learn the three types of sources (primary, secondary, tertiary) and how to recognize them.

  2. In the second part, students practice gathering together various types of sources from various types of media ("quantity-based research"). Once gathered, students practice classifying each source by its type(s).

  3. In the third part, students create an extensive source-berg for one source (alternatively, one source of each type.)

*Full exercise outlined in PDF.

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