The Inkwell is a resource for the College Composition Program (CCP) at Florida State University. All the exercises and assignments have been submitted by CCP Teaching Assistants (TAs) and Instructors who have used them in their classrooms. Some TAs frequently surf the Inkwell for daily writing exercises and activities. Other TAs use the Inkwell to brainstorm their own writing exercises and activities. Please feel free to add comments on the homepage if you have suggestions for extending/adding to existing activities. New activity submissions can be emailed to: Amy Cicchino (atc15c@my.fsu.edu) or Katelyn Stark (kas16t@my.fsu.edu). Please consult the style guide below for formatting instructions.
Inkwell Blog Statement of Fair Use: The following blog and its activities have been crowd-sourced from Florida State University’s GTA teachers to support all composition teachers in the writing classroom. The activities below have been submitted with permission from the contributing teacher. FSU’s College Composition program does not claim ownership or authorship of these activities and has included them on this blog for educational purposes only.