Rhetorical Appeals With a Side of Fries
Purpose: Through comedy and recognizable references to fast food restaurants, students will see how hyperbole and drama are used for...
Talking About Genre By Mapping Texts in Composition Courses
Purpose: I’ve used versions of this lesson in the various composition courses I’ve taught. It has quite a few access points for linking...
Dinner Party Prewriting
Purpose: To help students use research in their essays and begin organizing their information, specifically in terms of synthesizing...
Dialogic Conference
Purpose: This is an activity meant to be done in preparation for one-on-one conferences with students. It's meant to keep the dialogue of...
Exploring Plagiarism through Pop Culture Scenarios
Description and Purpose: This is intended to be a pop culture variant of an existing plagiarism exercise where students analyze scenarios...
Finding the Commonalities: Investing Organizational Structures and Formatting of Academic Articles
Purpose: Helping students develop knowledge about organizational structures and formatting common to academic articles, so that can use ...
Appealing to an Audience: How Publications Set a Tone with Content, Structure and Design
Purpose: Understanding how journals and newspapers set a particular tone for their audiences and how writing style changes across...
Active Reading: Marking Up the Text and Dialogic Journals
Purpose: Helping students learn to actively read texts, how to take notes on readings, and gain an understanding of their preferred...
Devil's Advocate: What are You REALLY Saying?
Purpose: This exercise is an attempt to get students to see that what they think they have written is not always what they actually have...
Balancing Your Voice with Others
Purpose: Students will focus on finding and strengthening their own voice and balancing their source material/incorporating their source...