Chaos is (Not) Our Friend: Editing for Clarity
Purpose: This handout and exercise is designed get students to consider, and read for, clarity. Use it if careless errors in student...

One-of-a-Kind Apostrophe Test
Purpose: This exercise is designed as a fun class "test" in the use of apostrophes. Use it if you're finding many such errors in student...

Sprinkle in Those Commas and Semicolons
Purpose: This exercise works to explore issues of grammar and punctuation in meaningful ways. The activity focuses on the confusion...

Comparing Digital Genres: Facebook, Twitter, and Text Messaging
Purpose: This activity provides students with a chance to develop and apply genre knowledge to digital genres to see how they are both...

Genre and Reflection Exercise: Using Reflection to Understand Genre
Purpose: This exercise helps students articulate how genre plays a role in their understanding of their own writing and writing...

Genre and Rhetorical Situation: Choosing an Appropriate Genre
Purpose: This exercise helps students understand that genre is linked to rhetorical situation, and that the choice of genre is one a...

Genre Scavenger Hunt
Purpose: This exercise is a great way to get students actively thinking outside of their understanding of genre in music and movies. It...

Linking Movies and Music to Genres of Writing
Purpose: This exercise helps students understand that writers use genre to reach a variety of different audiences (themselves, friends,...

Dialogue: Tell Me How You Really Feel
Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is for students to develop their skills of mixing dialogue with action. Description: Communication...

Dialogue: From Screen to Page
Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is for students to develop their skills of mixing dialogue with action. Also for them to practice...